Where can I shop with Tendo?
You can find a list of partner merchants here . We’re constantly growing our community to make your online purchases more convenient. Need extra fund...
What is the limit for purchases with Tendo?
The limit for purchases is based on your credit limit, which is determined by our internal credit policies. You're free to buy anything you want! Init...
How to increase credit limit?
Starting May 1, 2024, we're rolling out some exciting changes in how we handle credit limits! Say goodbye to the hassle of applying for a credit limit...
What would be the billing date/billing cut-off?
When you make a purchase, the repayment will commence on the second payday cut-off following your purchase date. E.g. If your payday is every 15th a...
Is Tendo available in all cities in the Philippines?
Tendo is available nationwide!
I accidentally submitted incorrect bank information. What should I do?
If you accidentally submit incorrect bank information, don't worry! Simply reach out to our Helpdesk Team to report the issue, and we'll assist you pr...